lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

The Fiend Club.

It was a Saturday rainy night. It was 11:30 and the police station still had it's lights on. The labor shift had finished hours ago, but neither Glenn Danzig nor Helena could go home. They still had something in their minds: The gang of the 138 a.k.a The Fiend Club...

While Danzig and Helena where still at work, Doyle Von Frankenstein had something else to do, some half baked business: Amy, his dearly beloved. He has to do something with her, he can´t let her alive, but why? She had broken Doyle's heart, and tried to unsuccessfully betray the 138's... with only seventeen.

That cold November night occurred in slow motion, like in a movie. He broke into Amy's house screaming:" There are 52 ways to murder anyone, 1 and 2 are the same and they both work as well, which one do you want me to use with you?” he said with an evil smile.



And while taking out his knife, he said:

-Die, die, die my darling, no matter a single word. Die, die, die my darling I will see you in hell. Don't cry to me baby, you will barely feel it. Oh no, I will barely feel it.

Amy's breathing stopped. She fell to the floor with her throat ripped. Doyle's job was done.

Too far from there, a phone was ringing. Helena answered; it was the boss, Jerry Only:

-Hello?-Helena said in a flirting voice.

-Hi Helena, is Danzig there?

-Yes, let me transfer the call.

-Thanks darling, good night.

And she dialed some numbers.


Glenn took the call in his office.


-Hi Danzig, check out if Helena is not listening.

- No, she isn't. It's about the 138's?

-I'm afraid so…..

-What did that bastard do this time? He hasn’t ruined the plans, has he?

- No. Don't worry about that and by now he remains clean. The matter is, we received a call from the East 12th St., a neighbor who told us he listened screams from a near house and that later he saw like 20 men getting out from that house, in some black vans, all of them with the well-known Glow Skull-.

-…The Club-Danzig said with a string of voice.

-I just wanted you to know. Plans stay like they are. Will you go alone?

-No. I'll take Helena with me. She….must know

-As you wish.

And then they hung up.


Five minutes later Helena entered into Glenn's office with two cups of coffee.

-You seem so tired-. She said.

-I am, but there's no time to rest now. We had just got a clue to find the secret place of the Fiend Club.


- Do you trust me?

-Of course I do!!

-So everything is going to be alright. Let's go!!!

2 minutes later they were already on their way.

Helena was feeling uncomfortable, she was confused. She really trusted Glenn, but he was behaving in a weird way, so… Out of his mind.

The car suddenly stopped in front of an abandoned building. It had been once a toy factory called The Horror Hotel. It was so scaring and seemed too had been alone for a long time. It used to be a very successful company once ago, but they closed it because the owner went mad and produced very aggressive toys which parents didn't thought would be apt for their children. So it broke and closed. It was said that the owner went even madder and that he lived inside there, keeping everyone away from "his home" as he called it.

They get off the car and entered. Glenn, strangely knew were the only entrance was.

Helena was scared to dead, so she walked very close to Glenn. They had been walking for like an hour with no destination, when suddenly Glenn stopped and grabbed her by the arm. He said softly to her:

-Helena, answer me this? If I cut off your arms, if I cut off your legs, will you still love me anyway?

Helena didn't know what to laugh or cry, she just turned her eyes to the ground.

-Why don't you love me anyway?

And Helena finally said:

-You are scaring me…what are you talking about?

- I'm talking about telling you the truth, I can't hold it anymore, and I can't keep lying to you.

-Shut up!!!You psycho!!!

-Not exactly. American Psycho for you miss Helena-. Said a voice behind her.

-Doyle Von Frankenstein!!!! You are arrested!! Help me Glenn!

But Glenn didn't move he just said:

-Sorry Helena, I can't. You don't know but ... he is my brother.

Helena froze completely.

- So he is saying the truth!!! You are that guy, the American Psycho, the one who killed…. him!!!!I HATE YOU GLENN!! YOU SONS OF A.....

-NO NO, MANNERS LADY! Such a pretty face and such a dirty mouth.
And as he said that, he was tying her with some ropes.

She shouted at the top of her lungs:

- Glenn, are you going to let him kill me?

- No. He won't. He will do it himself-. Doyle answered


-You are wrong again miss….

And just like dynamite, like a hundred of men entered to the room.


Suddenly everyone got quiet as some steps were coming closer, then Doyle started to get pale, he seemed so inoffensive now.

-Sorry Jerry… we were just.

-Yeah, I know what you were doing, just showing your asses off.

- Mr. Only, thanks to God you are here!! They said they were going to kill me!

He smiled. He took her hand and free her from the ropes she had been tied with.

- Tell me everything those idiots have done to you-.

He took her apart and so she told him everything with a really loud voice, like she where on the edge of a breakdown.

When she finished Jerry asked:

-You are not getting this. Are you?

-I just don't…..

- Don't you get Helena? You are an important piece in this game, well you were. Thanks to your innocence we are know the most powerful organization all over the country and we get what we wanted from the start. Thanks to you. Thanks to you Glenn got the job at the investigation agency. Then you gave him all your trust and he knew everything about you. That just made things easier for us. He knew, you told, that the chief of police was your father, and he told us how to find him. Yes, he is the American Psycho and yes, he killed your father, he was the only man who could stop us from killing the governor, he knew our plans so we had to finish with him.


-Oh yes. Now no one can stop us and we are going to rule this damned city, I could finally make my dad's dream come true, he was the owner from this place, you know, so I'll make it work again. But Glenn had ever been such an stupid, he fell in love with you. So your dead will be his fault, we can't let any distraction get in our way.

-Guys, take her!!-he shouted.

Helena was running, she was trying to find an exit.

-It's hopeless, you are finished, you haven't gotta pray, because I'm Mr., Jerry Only and you are going nowhere.

Two of the men grabbed her and tied her by a large stick. She was crying. She remembered the day she met Glenn: he seemed to be such a good person, how could she had been such a fool? How could she had trusted someone she had just met? She felt so guilty for her father.

Jerry came to the room with a knife. He gave it to Glenn and said:

-There it is. Do it.

Everyone was staring at him. Helena tried to match his eyes, but he was avoiding hers.

He was about to do it, when she finally catched his eyes. He threw the knife away. He fell on the ground and covering his face with his hands, he started whining.

-I….can't…-He cried.

-You are such a girl!!!-Jerry shouted at him-Doyle, do it please!!!-.

Doyle grabbed the knife and he stuck it in Helena's chest. She felt the blood running out from her. She closed her eyes, her life was escaping. She opened her eyes... it must haven't passed so much time since she had fainted, but she felt like it had been so long. She was wet, the blood was still spilling. It was darker, but she could see Doyle and Jerry standing at the other side of the room. Then another man joined, it was Glenn, then someone turned the lights off and they get closer to her, she contained her almost non-existent breathe and closed her eyes, she was weaker, and knew she will die at any second.

-Kiss her good bye-. Jerry said to Glenn.

He got over his knees; he was going to kiss her. Helena was about to cry.

Then she heard a shoot and immediately a heavy body fell over her. They have killed Glenn. She opened her eyes and took his hand.

She looked up and her heart stopped beating.

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Hablando con/a/de amor

Innumerables veces he desvelado

claro que pensando en ti

Me arrepiento de jamás haberte conocido o sentido o vivido

Mis ridículas aspiraciones recaen en ti

Provocaste, por primera vez, llanto sincero

cuando apenas vislumbraba tu potencial

Decepción innecesaria

Fatalidad exagerada

Es difícil olvidar lo que pudo haber pasado

Y mira que considerarte viejo amigo no es cosa de locos

Ya que el tiempo está a mi favor

Pero, reitero, no somos amigos ni conocidos

Aun así insisto en sufrir, claro que por ti

Paranoia + Desinterés

Mi gran problema es idealizar

sobre analizar

Pensar demasiado,

volar sin haber caminado

Me prometí a mi mismo nunca volver a amar

Un año después vaya que amé

Me prometí a mi mismo entonces, no fallar

No fallé, fallaste

Lo más jodido es llegar al punto en el que uno acepta que alguien no es para ti.

Lo más jodido es el darse cuenta que la mente todo lo creó,

que la mente te engañó.

Que una sonrisa puede no tener un significado concreto,

Es eso, una sonrisa insustancial.

Que un gesto puede en realidad ser mera atención

Y las palabras fácilmente malinterpretadas

Es imbécil crear simbolismos pero,

si el aquí no da respuestas, inevitablemente las buscarás,

es ahí cuando recurrimos a las malditas interpretaciones

y a las detestables deducciones.

Dejémoslo así,

Mi error cruel no el tuyo

Tu insoportable confusión

Y la perversa mal interpretación.

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009


Oscuridad total.

5 am y ya voy tarde. Abro los ojos y todo esta quieto, sin movimiento. Es raro, a esta hora todos están corriendo para no llegar tarde a sus trabajos/escuelas, pero hoy no... hoy todo esta tranquilo, casi inerte. Me  pregunto si será domingo, pero no, es día de escuela como cualquier otro... y así, resignada, salgo de la cama para volver a la rutina.
Hoy todo se siente diferente, desde que salí de mi casa (sin mis llaves), todo está envuelto en una atmósfera completamente distinta  a la de siempre.
El clima es igual, el tráfico y las personas son iguales, pero hay algo que no encaja con este día.
Será bueno, lo puedo sentir.
En cuanto tengo ese pensamiento, una sonrisa ilumina mi cara e instantáneamente lo notan, ¿qué no puedo sonreír sin razón alguna? parece que no, pero da igual. Este día es para mí y lo voy a aprovechar hasta que se termine.
Todo transcurre sin novedades. Traté de hacer planes para una escapada, pero nadie estaba libre. Claro... es semana de exámenes y yo también debería estudiar, pero no puedo.No quiero. Está súbita emoción tiene que salir de alguna manera. Mientras llamo para avisar queno llegaré (aunque sé de antemano que no habrá nadie), tomo un autobús que me lleve lejos,  tal vez a un lugar en donde no me encuentren nunca... o por lo menos, que no me encuentren hasta el anochecer.
Llego a un parque, que novedad.
Está solo, la suerte sigue de mi lado. Me pongo los audífonos y me acuesto en el pasto, a pensar en todo, en la luz, en el cielo, en ti.
Mis pensamientos comienzan a debrayar, imagino un mundo  en que no hay tiempo, en el que soy viento y me muevo libre. Un mundo en el que no existe el tiempo, sÛlo im·genes, una lucecilla lejana a travÈs de los árboles, el rojo del poniente. El primer beso. Planetas atrapados en el espacio, océanos, silencio. Todo se reduce a instantes.
Luego... una extraña visión nubla mis pensamientos...un presentimiento... algo va a suceder.
La pasión me llena y me levanta de un sobresalto, comienzo a correr. Son ya las 8 de  la noche y el tiempo que antes se detuvo ahora avanza de una manera alarmante.
"El tiempo es relativo".
Por las noches, las calles se llenan de luz para evitar colisiones, casi siempre fatales. Por las noches la personas sueñan con la juventud, la velocidad, las oportunidades.
Subo al colectivo para no llegar tarde, renovada y decidida de que pocas pasiones se viven al límite y que desde ese momento iba a sentir todo intensamente, sin miedo a nada. No más rutina.
Despierto y voy pensando en lo que desperdicié. Doy gracias por que abrí los ojos a una nueva oportunidad.

Hay algo que no encaja en este día: yo.

Felicidad de separador.

A veces trato de definir qué es lo que ha surgido entre nosotros.
Veo como me tratas, cómo hablamos, cómo pasa el tiempo cuando estamos juntos e intento saber qué es lo que nos une.
Miro a mi alrededor y veo amigos, novios, y no sé realmente que es lo que somos.
Sé que cuento con tu amistad, pero también sé que cuando tu mano roza la mía el mundo entero gira a mi alrededor.
Quizás sea mejor dejar todo en manos del tiempo y que más allá de ser una amistad, un noviazgo o un amor esto siga siendo lo que es para mi: felicidad 

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Today's Playlist

If looks could kill - Camera Obscura

The boy with the arab strap - Belle & Sebastian

I was made for you - She&Him

Knife - Grizzly Bear

Dirty Mind - The Pipettes

The Greatest - Cat Power

Wet and rusting - Menomena

If she wants me - Belle & Sebastian

Dead sound - The Raveonettes

This heart's on fire - Wolf Parade

Age of consent - New Order

Let's get out of this country- Camera Obscura

Mine's not a high horse - The Shins

Long Distance call - Phoenix

Sentimental Heart - She & Him

Free - Cat Power

Your Kisses are wasted on me - The pipettes

Sea Ghost - The Unicorns

Funny Little Frog - Belle & Sebastian

Shine a light - Wolf Parade

Keep it clean - Camera Obscura

Burning - The Whitest Boy Alive

Secret Heart - Feist

Cheated Hearts - Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Who I'd like to meet?
